zaterdag 14 januari 2012

Received the Kiboots of the design competitions!

I won kiboots! Not once, but twice!
Kiboots was giving away kiboots in the months november/december. I desperately wanted to win a pair of this lovely shoes, so I drawed day and night to enter the design competition in november, and guess what..... I WON!! I was so happy! But in december, when kiboots introduced another great design competition, I entered again to try to win another pair for my mom (who is also a Kiboots lover). And it was successfull, couse today the postman came to our house with two packages... We couldn't wait to open them! They're just perfect.... thank you so much Kiboots!

on the left, my pair and on the right, my moms pair of shoes.

the winning designs:

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